sewing with nancy
This was a national program that was produced at PBS Wisconsin for over 30 years. I inherited the role of lead designer around 2013. The title design stayed the same, but I was charged with redesigning the show graphics. Working with Nancy Zieman and her wonderful team, I created new full screens, transitions, lower thirds, credits, bumpers, and an open. I was present on set to consult when we captured images that would be integrated with graphics. When Nancy passed away in 2017, I was asked to create a title for a “best of” program.
In 2019-2020 I worked as the lead designer for a biographical documentary called “Nancy Zieman: Extraordinary Grace”, which was awarded first place in the 2020 Milwaukee Press Club Excellence in Journalism Awards and placed second for best documentary 2020 at the Wisconsin Broadcaster Association.
"I thus nominate Jennifer R Hadley for a Nobel prize in Rocking Chemical Graphics!" "If you ever get tired of doing design work, can I hire you as our Project Manager? You have a gift!" "It was great working with you Jen. You're one of the most thorough folks I've ever come in contact with. You ask direct and logical questions and your overall work ethic is amazing." "Andy just saw the piece and really liked it. He really enjoyed the graphics and said they made the story! Good job and thanks for rushing to get them done!" "It has been great working with you. I have always appreciated your thoughtfulness and methodical approach to problem solving.'