project management
Design leadership for large, multi-faceted projects requires a wide variety of project management skills. Creating processes that support proactive collaboration is key to managing and meeting the expectations of each stakeholder.
Lead designers provide the strategy, vision, and required tools to bring out the most talent from all team members. My leadership philosophy focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong.
When project management is done right, the work gets done efficiently, everyone feels that their contribution is valued, and all involved are eager to partner with our team again.
Role: Lead designer
Project management
Comprehensive brand designs
Leadership and team coaching
Technical research
Role: Lead Designer
Project management
Brand strategy development
Increase team collaboration
Improve workflow efficiencies
Generate revenue
"If you ever get tired of doing design work, can I hire you as our Project Manager? You have a gift!" "It was great working with you Jen. You're one of the most thorough folks I've ever come in contact with. You ask direct and logical questions and your overall work ethic is amazing." "It has been great working with you. I have always appreciated your thoughtfulness and methodical approach to problem solving.' "I thus nominate Jennifer R Hadley for a Nobel prize in Rocking Chemical Graphics!" "Andy just saw the piece and really liked it. He really enjoyed the graphics and said they made the story! Good job and thanks for rushing to get them done!"